Monday, December 21, 2009

First Post, also, Force Unleashed

So this is my first post ever on a blog. I already love it.

But this is Star Wars blog, so let's talk Star Wars.

I have played Force Unleashed for the Xbox 360. Phenomenal graphics, great story, the game play is basically a button masher though, but it's still good. I have just started playing it for Wii, and I can't say I'm as impressed with it. Obviously the graphics aren't as good, but the whole swinging the Wii remote to swing the lightsaber, well, it's a nice novelty, but it wears off fast. Can anyone say wrist cramps? Also, it's kind of clunky. I find myself having to swing the nunchuk several times just to get off one lousy force push. I'm glad I didn't buy it.

I'm sure I'll have more to post about later. Merry Christmas!

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